We offer a categorized Hotel Database of over 1 million hotels, categorized by design, target audience, amenities, countries, and languages. This allows us to deliver personalized content that perfectly matches the specific needs of your customers.
Hotel Descriptions in 25 Languages
Our texts are tailored to diverse markets and meet quality standards. They highlight the most important features of each property, making it easier to compare options during the booking process.
Personalized Categories for Audiences and Countries
We customize content for business travelers, families, couples, and other groups, ensuring every customer gets the most relevant information.
Automated Updates
Hotel data is regularly refreshed – from room counts to the latest images – to ensure content remains accurate and up to date.
Data Availability in Popular Formats
Choose from industry-standard formats like HTML, XML, JSON, and ZIP for seamless integration with your apps and websites.
1.77 million hotel images, including HD and 4K quality.
High automation – save time and reduce costs with our tools.
Personalization – content designed to maximize conversions and improve customer satisfaction.
This solution revolutionizes how hotels are presented, offering comprehensive, accurate, and engaging content that helps travelers make informed decisions.
Depending on the licensed product and modules, the available content is described in the corresponding commercial agreement. In general, Hoteldata.ai provides non-bookable property related content only. The content can be used to support the hotel description and information during the booking process.
The data is available via a standard XML web service delivered as a REST application (REST = Representational State Transfer).
Since the database is continuously expanded, downloading it in its entirety is not recommended, as it may include records that are not bookable on your website. Clients are advised to retrieve data only for the specific properties they need. Detailed request types, such as retrieving all items per supplier, are outlined in the API documentation.
Harness the power of Generative Content and transform your travel platform. Boost engagement, streamline operations, and stay ahead of the competition with HotelData.ai.
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